It has been a while since I last updated ArtfulTrevor! I am now able to present to you a brand new virtual gallery of AI generated art images around the idea of mobile phones consuming life and how thay can make people feel disconnected from life.

For all these digital artworks, generated with AI, I found it quite a challenge to get the look and feel I was interested in. It took a number of attempts before I found the general look and feel that I wanted. Some of the images are quite shocking in the way that AI has interpreted the prompts – but overall I was happy with this final selection from all the images generated.

The gallery represents what was ‘in tune’ with my thinking and feelings about the ‘human disconnect’ that can be created by the digital age. It is a difficult issue that increasingly affects so many people’s lives – especially it seems amongst the younger generation. The new digital age is quite probably one of the many reasons for increased anxiety and wellbeing issues that are reported in society as a whole alongside the general increase in distorted truths influencers, misinformation and the like.

This collection of images plays surreally with the idea that many people do not fully recognising what’s happening to them or around them as time moves forward and technology continues it’s relentless march ever more powerful. Unless ethical, practical and mindful boundaries are established, the technology is likely to continue creating increasing disruption and consume more and more of our time – but only if we let it – at least, at this stage in the digital timeline. There is an irony that with AI and more powerful computers that can ‘do the work for you’ and enble you to ‘get more done in less time’ how that looks in reality isn’t necessarily so productive, or positive.

Perhaps you, the viewer, might be challenged by what you see in the gallery – whether for yourself, or perhaps as a prompt regarding someone you know. Maybe an image may even be enough to invoke a positive action either for yourself or a friend towards better human interaction and better choices for screen /work time and ‘digital recreation’. Maybe the fact you’re here – albeit somewhat perhaps ironically – viewing this digital content, this could be a prompt for you to take time out today and talk to, or visit someone in person rather than via a screen or an Instagram feed…

Visit the AI virtual gallery now