Well, I’ve finally managed to get some watercolour paints, paper, brushes and other equipment needed to paint and find the time to have a fresh attempt. It must be around 20 years since I tried a proper painting – I have done very few watercolours, even in my student days, and most were just experimentation.
For this project I set out to do a detailed still life while on a break away from the office. Below is a fairly poor photograph of the final painting (the colours are not as vivid as in real-life, and the photo is a little dark and fuzzy).
Below the final image are a couple of of others showing the progress of this project.

The final painting!

The painting only part-finished and shows how I sketched in pencil first, then started to create the painting with larger blocks of colour at first, then filling in the detail later. To the right of the photograph you can see the original ‘real life’ bananas and plate on the table!

This image shows the palette I was using.